Cultivating Generations of Happiness...using data rooted in science to help families to Be Happy + Live Happy + Share Happy
Welcome to Clinically Happy with Clinical Psychologists Dr. Lisa Ferrari + Dr. Carla Fry. We’re pleased to introduce you to a new way of thinking about mental wellness – or what what you might hear professional-types traditionally call mental illness. We have a way of looking at and treating people’s mental health that uses the science of Positive Psychology to highlight and develop positive affect and individuals’ strengths and resources.
Maximizing happiness using science filtered through the lens of the TheDrFs.
Next Kindness Patrol Event Coming Soon!
Click here to view more about our annual community kindness initiative. In the mean time, drop by kindnesspatrol.org for ideas about spreading kindness in your neighbourhood, at your school or workplace today. We invite you to snap a photo and post it with the hashtag #weneedYOURkind. We’ll be posting kind deeds – given or received on our social media feeds – especially on our Facebook Group!
Using Kids as Content (for parents’ social media).
Join us for a lively discussion from our recent interview on Canada’s national morning program, The Morning Show.
The engaging hosts @jmacspeaks & @caolynglobal lead us through some questions that parents are asking: What about using kids as content on socials that generate income for parents?? For the rest of us who don’t generate income from posting videos or images of our kids, what are some ways to decide what and whether to post our kids as content??
What do you think? How do you decide whether you post videos or still images of your kids?
Thinking about how you make your decisions currently about posting your kids, has your decision-making changed over the years? We want to know!!
~ TheDrFs
#livetv #tvnews #childpsychologist #psychologist #parenting #momlife #dadlife #mominfluencer #dadinfluencer #socialmedia #kids #happykids #family #parentlife #themorningshow #tms #mornngshow @Globalnews
With the fall season, our offices receive numerous calls on all kinds of topics: school stress, university transitions, parenting challenges, and yes, also reach outs for support for the family during the separation & divorce process (for some, new beginnings are about making changes in the family and parents` partnership relationship).
Here`s a short but sweet reminder of how kids can thrive during this family transition period. Kids really can be okay through divorce! It takes some pre-planning and sticking to your values and guidelines such as what we`re laying out in this post. Trust us on this - we`ve seen divorce really, truly be manageable & even healthful for kids depending on how it`s managed by the family & parents.
BTW - the post is about kids & divorce, but how many of these are true when we are talking about parents who are not breaking up??? Somewhere around 100% ... give or take 💪💪💪
~ TheDrFs
#divorce #separation #parenting #parents #transition #divorceddad #divorcedmom #singlemom #singledad #singleparent #childpsychology #psychology #resilience #happines #happy #family #happyfamily
Less than 24 hours til we go live with this amazing duo on #TheMorningShow. Please tune in as we share some psychology science and know-how from the therapy room! We’re discussing topical topics that impact parents everywhere the internet is found (umm .. yes, that`s pretty much everywhere!)
Tuesday September 5th 9am ET/PT 10am AT
~ TheDrFs
#tms #themorningshow #morningshow #lifestyle #canadian #canada #fall #canadianshows #global #kids #childpsychologist #globalnews #kids #national #parentingtips #parentingexpert #psychology #mom #momlife #drlisaferrari #drcarlafry #vancouverpsychologycentre #ontheair #livetv #TheDrFs
Moms! When you are wondering if you should do for yourself or do for your kids … this school year, please remember that when you care for YOU, you are caring for your KIDS.
There`s only so many hours in a day, and you can`t possibly take care of every single need of your kids`, nor can you take care of every single need of your own, but Psychology science reminds us that your kids` mental wellness is improved when your mental wellness is strong - so taking care of you is worth it!
#mom #selfcare #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #parents #parent #backtoschool #momlife #kids #children #TheDrFs
University success:
Step 1: Nourished brain & healthy body
Step 2: Good mental health
Step 3: Maximal academic achievement
In that order.
Reflections from the therapy room this week!
#Backtoschool #universitylife #studenting #collegesuccess #college #university #therapyroom #therapist #freshmansuccess #psychology #gpa #vancouverpsychologycentre #psychologist #TheDrFs
Bringing you a fresh take on your kids` Back-to-School happiness this fall:
🖍️🍎👩🎓 From the first day of school to the last, focusing on the following in this order is the key to your kids` successful school year:
1st: BODY health
2nd: HAPPINESS & emotional wellness
3rd: ACADEMIC success
What does that take??
~ Body: A well-slept body & brain that is well-fed with nourishing food, is regularly exercised & given few toxins (teens!! drugs, caffeine, alcohol) or allergens is best prepared for school success
~ Happiness: Once the body needs are well met, mental wellness can be at its peak. All the following support mental wellness: social connection, healthy self esteem, grateful mindset, grit & ability to manage discomfort, self-compassion & anxiety and stress management skills.
~ Academics: Once your child`s body needs are met and their mental wellness is best supported, they will be in the best place to think, learn, remember, and retain their studies.
Students achieve their highest academic potential when their body health & needs are met and when their mental wellness is best supported. #truestory #backtoschool #backtoschool2023 #psychology #psychologist #realscience #happy #happiness #students #kids #teens #university #parents #momlife #dadlife #TheDrFs
Sharing some parenting of teens wins. Digging into #logicalconsequences vs punishment… teens tend to be less reactive when there’s frontloading about expectations, when communication is 2-way and the consequences are both logical and reasonable. #thedrfs #parenting #teamwork #familytherapy #frontloading #wins #childpsychology #psychologist #communication #partying #screentime #rewarding #vanciuverpsychologycentre
Thanks to CTV News for inviting us to help put parents’ minds at ease. Kids don’t have to be in back-to-back summer programs & entertained 24/7 this summer. Boredom is a feeling state that is normal - just like all emotions. Helping our kids to equate that feeling of boredom with a cue to get creative, to be silly or to use their imagination will help their brains to grow and will help them to develop a sense of self efficacy. For more, check out our linktree for our youtube channel! #Thedrfs #psychology #parenting #mom #dad #vpc #bored #summer #summervacation #childpsychology #inthenews #news #ctvvancouver #ctv
Want to think like a Finn? Yes, we think you do .. for the 6th year in a row Finland ranks as the world’s happiest country. Let’s dig into one thinking style that’s common in Finlanders and use this happiness hack everyday 🙂 #happy #happiness #positivepsychology #psychologist #good-vibes #positivemood #choice #psychologyscience #worldhappinessreport #thedrfs #happinesshacks
~ Should you take away your teen`s phones as a punishment (`incentive`)?
~ What ages are considered `teenagers` now a-days?
~ What do we do if we think our teen`s friends are a bad influence?
We hit these topics and tons of other parenting a teen issues in today`s #TheWellnessPrescription podcast with @claudia_machiella on @1059theregion.
Join us as we share our experience and what the psychology research tells us (some of this you`ll want to hear, some of it you won`t 🙉)
xo #TheDrFs
#teen #paretingateen #parentingtips #parenthood #parentlife #parents #parentsupport #adolescentmentalhealth #youthdevelopment #momlife #dadlife #childpsychology #childpsychologist #vancouverpsychologycentre
And anticipation of positive experiences boosts our mood more than anticipation of acquiring stuff does.
So, to kick off a year where you are taking action toward increasing good mood and good vibes! Think about planning something that you look forward to:
• doing all by yourself
• experiencing with a friend, family member or pet
• actioning with an organization that you love
You`ll increase good mood now (and in the lead-up to the experience) and increase your enjoyment of the event while you are doing it. Pretty cool joy hack, if you ask us.
??? Is there anything you are looking forward to this year???
#thedrfs #clinicallyhappy #drlisaferrari #drcarlafry #psychology #psychologist #positivepsychology #socialscience #happy #happiness #goodmood #happynewyear #2023 #joy #joyhack
Investing a bit of time for self-care is protective of your workflow, health, happiness and your relationships.
It`s not a `that`s for other people` thing or a `one day when I have time` thing. It`s a now thing.
Drop us a line to share a fave self care action that you have made happen lately. Inquiring minds...
#mentalhealth #self-care #selflove #psychology #happy #happiness #positivepsychology #therapistsofinstagram #psychologist #mentalhealthawareness #positivevibes #psychologie #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth ##mentalhealthrecovery #TheDrFs
Apologies can be tough! Both on the giving and receiving ends.
Happier couples know how to genuinely give (and gracefully receive) apologies.
But we know it can be difficult to know what to say and how to make it right because sometimes just the words “I’m sorry” don’t express enough and they don`t bring genuine healing or improved connection to the situation.
There are 3 main parts to a real and meaningful apology. Give our post a read and tell us about a time you gave or received a solid apology! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
- The Dr F’s
#mentalhealth #psychologyterms #TheDrFs #apologize #apologies #sorry #psychology #psychologist #couples #couplestherapy #relationships #relationshipadvice #psychologyfacts #psychologie #mentallystrong #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #relationshiptips #tips #parenting #positivevibes #positivity #positivepsychology #vancouver #psychological #mentalhealthrecovery